Wisdom for the Classroom

Teachers are not in the classroom to be the students’ friend, but teachers should be friendly.

Teachers are not in the classroom to be the students’ nemesis—as so many students (and some teachers) suppose—but teachers should challenge students.

Teachers are not in the classroom because it’s their job, but teachers should work hard in the fulfillment of their calling.

Teachers are not in the classroom to create busy work for students, but teachers who wisely direct their students’ study will lay on them a manageable burden.

Teachers are not in the classroom to teach students everything they should know, but a wise teacher will leverage the classroom to help students cognize what they’re learning outside of it.

Teachers are not in the classroom to rule over students but teachers should always have their classrooms under control.

Teachers are not in the classroom to merely entertain students, but a good teacher will delight their students while instructing and moving them in the direction they should go.

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