Ep. 64 – Sarah Abbott: Truth Telling Through Narration

This is Episode 64 of the Consortium Podcast, an academic audio blog of Kepler Education.

In this episode, Sarah Abbott teaches the practice of “telling the truth through narration.” Her talk provides models for helping students grow in attention and retention by using the method of “retelling after hearing or seeing.” Charlotte Mason noted, “The mother who trains her child to strict accuracy of statement about things small and great fortifies him against temptations to the grosser forms of lying…”

This talk was given at the 2024 Consortium conference in Maynard, MA on July 12-13, 2024.

Kepler’s Consortiums provide resources and regional connections for Christian families, teachers, and educational organizations to expand the reach of classical education and foster human flourishing for generations to come.

The New England Consortium of Classical Educators (NECCE) exists to point New England to the unifying Truth found in Christ and His creation, the Good of fellowship with like-minded individuals, and the Beauty reflected in great works of literature, science, and art, through teaching, conversation, and conferences.

Sarah Abbott is a classical educator and student with over twenty-five years of experience teaching, training, writing, coaching, and administrating. She serves as the Head of Outreach and Teacher Training for the Consortium, which allows her to do exciting things like lead a one-of-a-kind book club in her home and conduct trainings in classical pedagogy. Sarah is a Lecturer of Classical Education at Southeastern University and an Area Representative for Classical Conversations. Since graduating her homeschooled son, Sarah now devotes her time to learning about literature and the arts to discover connections between them and culture, and ultimately to uncover what it means to be human.

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