Ep. 52 – Dr. Karla Memmott on the Theory and Practice of Rhetoric and the Western Consortium of Classical Educators

This is Episode 52 of the Consortium Podcast, an academic audio blog of Kepler Education.

In this episode, Dr. Karla Memmott champions Classical Education, discusses the theory and practice of Rhetoric for the modern age, and discusses the reasons why she is hosting the Western Consortium of Classical Educators in Sacramento, CA on July 27, 2024.

Dr. Karla Memmott is a long-time resident of the Sacramento, California area where she lives with her husband, Kyle and dog, Kona. She home-schooled her children. She continues to support homeschooling parents by teaching online and in-person courses which include history, literature, writing, public speaking, and German. Additionally, she and her husband have coached high school mock trial. Dr. also Memmott founded the Acacia Classical Academy and teaches Rhetoric at Kepler Education.

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