Tag: On Teaching
Ep. 45 – Serving Students with Special Needs in Classical Christian Education
This is Episode 45 of the Consortium Podcast, an academic audio blog of Kepler Education. In this episode, Dr. Scott Postma is joined by Dr.…
Predictably Unpredictable
There is one sense in which the teacher should be predictable: well-prepared lesson plans, punctuality, grading standards, cheerfulness, orderly classroom, etc. But there is another…
In Loco Parentis
Given parents are ultimately responsible for their child’s education (Ephesians 6:4), hiring a teacher does not mean parents are abdicating their responsibilities. They are wisely…
Teachers Are Something Else
Those who go by the title of teacher and feel they have done their job because they have shown up to a classroom on time…
Classical Recitations
In his classical approach to systematic theology, Thomas Oden references the fact that modern journalism unwittingly derives its sequence of good reporting from classical Christian…
On Teaching Well
Welcome to the inaugural post for On Teaching, A daily thought on the art and endeavor of flourishing as an independent, classical Christian teacher. Posts…