The Consortium

A Journal of Classical Christian Education

The Winter 2024 issue (Vol 3, Issue 2) of The Consortium is now available.

Table of Contents

  • The Inklings and Classical Christian Education: An Example of Christian Humanism by Dr. Scott Postma
  • The Mind of a Reader: A Trinitarian Framework for Reading and Teaching Literature by Annie Crawford
  • The Inklings and Classical Education: Proceedings from 2024’s Ciceronian Society Conference by Dr. Jason Jewell
  • The Ascent of the Imagination: Charles Williams in the Classical Christian Classroom by Dr. Sean Hadley
  • C. S. Lewis in the Classical Classroom: Deepening Appreciation for Reality by Dr. Josh Herring
  • Reading Tolkien in the Classical School Classroom by Dr. Jason Jewell
  • Owen Barfield, Poetic Language, and Classical Education by Dr. Landon Loftin
  • Book Review: Alistair E. McGrath’s Deep Magic, Dragons and Talking Mice: How Reading C.S. Lewis Can Change Your Life by Dr. Karla M. Memmott
  • Loving What Lewis Loved: How Lewis Led Me to Translate the Divine Comedy by Joe Carlson
  • Excerpt from Deeper Heaven: Mapping the Universe—The Medieval Cosmos by Christiana Hale


Volume 1: Issue 1 (June 2022)

Volume 1: Issue 2 (December 2022)

Volume 2: Issue 1 (June 2023)

Volume 2: Issue 2 (December 2023)

Volume 3: Issue 1 (June 2024)

Volume 3: Issue 2 (December 2024)


As a journal of Classical Christian Education, Consortium welcomes submissions from all authors who seek to engage the Classical Christian tradition of education.

We primarily publish articles and book reviews but will also consider poetry, satire, or drama if it can be demonstrated that the more creative work is a sound fit for the Consortium‘s objectives of promoting classical education and fostering human flourishing for generations to come.


Our print edition is published biannually, in June and December, and article submissions should be between 2000-6000 words; book reviews should be between 800-1500 words. Submission deadlines are as follows: April 1st for the summer edition and September 1st for the winter edition.


Our academic blog publishes articles weekly. Blog pieces should be between 800-2000 words, but longform essays beyond 2000 words will also be considered if they are particularly relevant and of high quality.


We are currently taking submissions for the Summer 2025 issue which will focus on writing and rhetoric in Classical Christian Education. If you would like to submit a piece for consideration in either the print or online journal, please send an abstract/pitch of no more than 200 words along with a short bio of yourself to

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Dr. Scott Postma – General Editor
  • Dr. Robert M. Woods – Senior Contributing Editor
  • Dr. Gregory Soderberg – Contributing Editor